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Endodontic Referrals

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Dr Daniel Flynn

Specialist Endodontist

BDentSc MClinDent

GDC Number : 100571

Dr Daniel Flynn specialises in saving teeth.

After qualifying from Trinity College Dublin in 2002, Daniel spent a year as a House Officer in the Dublin Dental Hospital, concentrating on both restorative dentistry and oral surgery.

Following this, he worked in private practice and completed the MFDS exams before beginning a 3-year programme in Endodontics at the Eastman Dental Institute. He was subsequently awarded the Membership in Restorative Dentistry (MRD), the highest formal qualification available for the endodontic mono-specialty, by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and entered onto the General Dental Council’s Specialist List for Endodontics.

Daniel believes that, where possible, a natural tooth is superior to an implant or any other replacement so long as it is strong enough and has adequate bone support.

To this end, he has dedicated the last 5 years to perfecting minimally invasive root canal treatment and endodontic microsurgery techniques, the ultimate tooth saving procedure. He uses state of the art small volume CBCT scans, where necessary, to diagnose the cause of dental pain and infection and to understand the anatomy of the tooth in advance of treatment.

Daniel is an innovator and is the founder of Toothsaver – He has sourced the best tools from around the world to ensure operational efficiency. He lectures widely across the UK, Europe and worldwide offering hands-on courses for dentists and is always happy to mentor his colleagues on request.

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38 Devonshire Street Logo
  • Specialists @ 38 Devonshire Street
  • London
  • W1G 6QB